Steph Lanes the Podcast

Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthew 6:33).

There is no life without God his mercies overshadows all. Steph Antony Ndukwe founder of “Steph Lanes” is the tool of the most high; a daughter of the Lord born in Nigeria, Port-Harcourt but raised across various parts of Nigeria due to the manner of work her father did, this didn’t affect her as a child negatively but helped her see and experience various cultures, environments and truly appreciate life and Gods marvelous works. As a kid her favorite moment was always going to the village for Christmas, being welcomed by her Grandfathers pepper soup was a satisfier from a long trip to the village, like every kid she appreciated the space of a big compound where she could ride her bike after a lovely well-digested pepper soup which was accompanied by a beautiful and colorful Christmas.

Blossoming into a lady she went to Babcock University where she studied and attained her first degree in International relations having gotten the cake she decided to decorate it with some Icing sugar as she furthered and got her masters in Security Intelligence and Diplomacy from the University of Buckingham. Before all these achievements somewhere along the line in-between her undergraduate and her Postgraduate studies, she was a very active dancer, few proofs to show but many witnesses to testify. How strong is your faith?

Being a Podcaster, Daughter and a Career woman Steph is set to set a mark through God who strengthens her. Her one goal “to pass Gods goodness and words to those who are down to listen and embrace his holy words” Being asked if she had an Idol in the podcasting line “I don’t have an Idol per-say what I do is listen to various Intellectual podcasters for individualism and knowledge but one podcast gets me (Woman Evolve Podcast) by Sarah Jakes Robert”

The brand Steph Lanes is raising brand with various unique segments; The Rant, News, Mirror me Jesus, Advice and the close/vote of thanks and a call to action. We learn from our FAILURES not success as her first official episode was something short of where she wanted to be in other to connect as her best authentic self to her audience, like every brethren she sat back and prayed for wisdom just as Solomon did with her faith as they say “can move mountains” ideas started coming in which brought about a utility that lead to the various segments that gives the listeners the best experience, each segment has a specific tone or Voice change that sets you in the right mood. Truly there are some ideas or strategic move you see in life and your response has to be “this is truly from God”

No man is an Island as the brand Steph Lanes guides you through your spirituality, connecting you with various affiliations tested and trusted by her, affiliations like the Bible Project, Desiring God and Fellowshipping with other fellow brethren in the faith “I want to eliminate that mentality we blacks have, that because of our skin tone we feel we are immune to depression and yet there is a rising rate in the occurrence of suicide. Thus a fellowship where we can gather share our issues with one another a healthy matured and safe environment”   

When she’s not gathering the people of the lord Steph love her Beans and Porridge. For those fascinated by her skin tone, she isn’t one to use hard or expensive beauty product but just Papaya soup and staying clean, basically, eat your vegetables and stay healthy people! The issue on same-sex relationship or marriage has been avoided in the 21st century because of its rise in practice but a question was thrown to Lanes. What is on your take on same-sex relationship or marriage, how can we as Christians address this topic without being judgmental?  “Well, the bible is very clear on this. In Genesis 1vs27 he created male and female, in chapter two the bible tells us that it is not good for man to be alone I will make a helpmeet, and he caused Adam to sleep bringing forth Eve, when Adam woke up he saw Eve and said this is the bone of my bone and the flesh of my flesh, I shall call her woman because she was taken out of me its written; Whatever Adam named stood and it still stands till today; what I am trying to say is the structural design of creation is male and female, If God wanted same sex he would have made a man for Adam, and He wouldn’t be alone if had another guy beside him, we already know from chapter one that male and female he created them, so if God deemed it fit that Adam’s suitable help meet was a guy then that same structure would apply for a woman. Jesus Christ in Luke 9vs19 speaks of a perversion that has occurred in our generation, the devil has perverted the acceptable design of creation with the same sex philosophy, with eating from that tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man opened the door to diverse perversion of the original design, after all said and done we see God destroying the world with a flood in Genesis 6 another destruction in Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone in Genesis 19. Finally, in Mathew 7, Jesus teaches us not to judge as Christians but tell the truth with a prayerful and loving heart in a compassionate way. The fact that this perversion is common doesn’t make it right”

Steph is definitely someone you would love to explore your faith with, for more insight on her you can follow her on Instagram @stephs_lane and on her Podcast on sound cloud Steph lanes “living life with purpose”     
